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straight talk造句

"straight talk"是什么意思  
  • It is time for some straight talking .
  • Now the straight talk express is packed
    现在, “实话实话巴士”整天人满为患。
  • Now the straight talk express is packed
  • It ' s time for some straight talking .
  • The importance of straight talk in meetings , not afterwards , is constantly emphasised to all workers
  • As he made his inaugural speech in the east room of the white house ? “ just a little straight talk among friends ” ? the very flatness of his michigan vowels , his stumbles over words , his mistiness whenever he talked about prayers , seemed like a gale of fresh air
    他在白宫东厅发表的就职演说? ?就像朋友之间闲谈一样朴实无华? ?质朴地密歇根式发音、不时磕绊几句,虽然当他谈论虔诚地祈祷和祈求之类的话时有些含混不清,但是就是这股质朴犹如一股清新之风注入当时混浊的政坛。
  • It's difficult to see straight talk in a sentence. 用straight talk造句挺难的
如何用straight talk造句,用straight talk造句straight talk in a sentence, 用straight talk造句和straight talk的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。